Lockdown 2020 Crafting Project to Make you Smile

Lockdown 2020 Crafting Project to Make you Smile
During these unprecedented times many of us are turning to crafting to seek solace, escape and peace from a turbulent world.
Immersing yourself in a
creative task can work wonders for your mental health and well being and the results
of one of our ‘lockdown 2020’ customer's creativity has certainly given us all at
Decoflora an unexpected boost of ‘joy de vivre’. So much so that we just had
to share the results with you (with our customers permission, of course).
We were contacted by a
gentleman wishing to purchase a large quantity of black artificial carnations, whilst we were
closed for business, as he had a craft project in mind that would help him
while away the hours during self isolation.
During many email conversations between Helen, our MD, and our customer, it transpired that our customer’s daughter had moved to Bermuda, taking with her a much loved Schnauzer puppy. See excerpt below:
“Ok, my daughter “stole” our
Legally hers. Sadly.
And took it to Bermuda, a paradise, where it lives with a
perfect family and is spoiled rotten.
It is a wonderful wee black schnauzer.
So I am recreating a version for us in your flowers. It
is black, wee spiky tail, and a little white chest tie shape. All you flowers
going on a wire frame.
I will send you photos.
Many thanks to you guys and hope the future is great for you
‘Name withheld’ ( old... you can tell)” - Not at all!!!
Photo of the much loved puppy on a
Bermuda beach
We couldn't contain our excitement when the photos arrived! One of the downsides of running an online business is the lack of interaction with our customers. It is rare for us to find out how are flowers are being used. Whilst the large TV and film corporations are usually forthcoming with this information, the general public don't usually contact us with insights into why they are purchasing flowers. We all love flowers at Decoflora and have a passion for creativity and floristry so when a customer is willing to share with us it is always very welcome!
There were loads of ooohs and aaahs as the photos started to reveal themselves. I think you will agree that the gentleman's love for his estranged puppy has been captured in the attention to detail ♥
Lockdown 2020 Floral Schauzer Puppy - Black Artificial Carnations
2019 Floral Schnauzer Puppy Dog - Multi Coloured Artificial Flowers
Which one is your favourite? Black or multi? Please let us know in the comments below. For me it is the latest one with the black carnations. Although I am always a lover of colour, in my opinion, the uniform size of the black carnation flowers allows a more defined shape to the outline. Whichever you decide I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and the story behind them as much as we have.
In the words of my TV heroine, Kirstie Allsopp, Keep Crafting and Carry On!
1 Comment(s)
Hi, just to say I’m the daughter who ‘stole’ the puppy and I absolutely LOVE the flower version! When I move back to UK I want to make one of my own - it looks fabulous!
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